Adopted by the Transportation Policy Committee on April 5, 2018
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to make provision for cooperative mutual responsibilities in carrying out the Metropolitan Planning Process and Performance Based Planning and Programming in the Corpus Christi Metropolitran Planning Area and to provide a single agreement between the State of Texas acting through Texas Department of Transportation, the Corpus Christi Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Corpus Christi Regional Tranpsortation Authority in accordance with current Federal Legislation and as required by 23 CFR 450.314.
METROPOLITAN PLANNING PROCESS / PERFORMANCE BASED PLANNING & PROGRAMMING MOUAdopted by the Transportation Policy Committee on August 2, 2018
This Agreement is made by and between the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation, called the "Department", the Corpus Christi Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Committee, called the "MPO", which has been designated by the Governor of the State of Texas as the MPO of the Corpus Christi urbanized area, and the County of Nueces, which serves as the Fiscal Agent for the MPO.
AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATIONUpdated February 10, 2025: The MPO Profile, is an informative brochure that explains the MPO's three major work activities required to meet specific federal requirements, a list of current serving MPO committee members and MPO planning staff.